About Me

I am a positive and outgoing person that like to meet new people where ever i go. I like to take on new ideas and live my life to the fullest. I am proud to say that i got the oppertunity to represent this beautiful country we live in and make a huge diffirence in peoples lives that needs it the most. God put me on this road and this is the road i will follow. I am a 30 year old guy that likes spending time with people and always leaving them with a thoughful though. i am blessed to have a wonderful family that truly supports me in everthing i do. i have the most beautful girl in my life so by saying all this i just want you all to know how lucky i am and fortunate. Thank you for taking the time reading this and may i leave you with this special though: "Live to give and not give to live"

September 25, 2009

My support towards charity

The past 6 years I have been involved in various charity organizations. This has always been a life changing experience to be involved with these charity organizations. These are just some thank you letters from the charity groups that I’ve been involved with. It's always nice to go visit them (kids and young adults) once in a while, it make me think about all the things in my life that I take for granted and should appreciate more. Life is a precious gift from God and so are they.

1 comment:

  1. Nice, hou so aan. Dit is 'n groot liefdes diens aan die gemeenskap
