About Me

I am a positive and outgoing person that like to meet new people where ever i go. I like to take on new ideas and live my life to the fullest. I am proud to say that i got the oppertunity to represent this beautiful country we live in and make a huge diffirence in peoples lives that needs it the most. God put me on this road and this is the road i will follow. I am a 30 year old guy that likes spending time with people and always leaving them with a thoughful though. i am blessed to have a wonderful family that truly supports me in everthing i do. i have the most beautful girl in my life so by saying all this i just want you all to know how lucky i am and fortunate. Thank you for taking the time reading this and may i leave you with this special though: "Live to give and not give to live"

September 30, 2009

My Curriculum Vitae - Morne van Zyl

1 comment:

  1. Morne Van Zyl, now that's my boytjie! Myself and Morne became friends in a somewhat different way. I was in a difficult position once on holiday in Jeffery's Bay and needed help urgently. My friends at the time didn't know the area and where to find me. They went to a petrol station to ask for directions and there was Morne. Morne didn't just give directions he got in the car and said "no worries i'll just show you where it is". My friends were able to find me and help me. That just goes to show Morne's character and unconditional friendliness. Myself and Morne became the best of friends from that day on. We have shared many good times together and been there for each other through the tough times. He is always there to help no matter what the situation, he will go out of his way and do the best that he can. I cannot ask for a better friend than my boy Morne.


    Jayson Gough
